Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Bullying in Schools

I decided that I want to finish this blog with a very important and recent issue; Stuart Chaifetz, a father of a son with autism, who is currently tormented with his horrifying discovery.

You can watch the video here:

In summary, Stuart noticed that his son, Akian, had a sudden change in emotion and personality. He was described as a normally upbeat, loving, caring child, and recently has had sudden mood swings that his father has never seen before. Stuart then runs into another boy in Akian's class, who tells him that Akian cries a lot in school. I could imagine, as a father, that this struck him like a nail to the heart. He then decided to send his son to school with a microphone and recorder, so that he can get the inside look at what is really going on in the classroom.

The result is absolutely gut-wrenching, I could barely get through the whole video. To hear the teachers and aide treat the students that way is absolutely appalling. It makes me extremely grateful to be going through such an enriching program and be taught how wrong this behavior truly is.

If you have a few minutes, please watch the video.

1 comment:

  1. Joe, this is so appalling. I can't even begin to imagine how angry this parent was. Just because these teachers do not teach in a mainstream classroom, does not give them the right to act/speak inappropriately. They are still in a professional environment, and it is just a shame.
