Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Interactivity #4

Since Foucault Pendulums are not easily replicated (it is hard to produce one with a near-frictionless pivot), the easiest way to present them to students would be via the internet. In a lesson titled “Foucault’s Pendulum”, students are given a wide array of tools and discussions to educate them on not only Foucault’s Pendulum itself, but also the properties of a pendulum, general pendulum motion, and computational skills to solve for period.

Aligning a Physics lesson with appropriate NJCCC Standards is a little tricky, especially when more advanced topics such as Thermodynamics, Optics, Electricity & Magnetism, and advanced Newtonian Mechanics are applied; there are not many standards that are directly relevant to the fields. My main focus for this lesson was synchronizing the important parts of the lesson with the higher level (12th and two 8th grade) standards. During the lesson, suggested Essential Questions such as “What observations can you make about the motion of the pendulum?” will lead into discussions that allow students to manipulate their explanations, data, and ideas into Scientific Hypotheses (5.1.12.B.3). 

Giving students opportunity to “flex their scientist muscles” will not only give them insight on how to incorporate what they see into hypotheses and theories, but also improve their Scientific literacy. Overall, the lesson was smoothly transitioned from task to task, and required little-to-no editing on my part; I believe it will make an entertaining, fulfilling, and exciting lesson.

Allowing the students to utilize the animations and online computer simulations plays a quintessential role in their development of theories and ideas. In Physics, it is just as (if not more) important to see/manipulate the ideas and concepts that are being learned than it is to simply hear about them and take notes and tests.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Scale of the Universe

^ !Click! ^

I've been sitting here at my keyboard for half an hour trying to find words to describe how amazing this tool is, and I still cannot even gather my thoughts; it's perfect. The music, the imagery, and the message.

This tool allows the user to "travel" from the smallest known distance (1 Planck Length) through atoms, cells, humans, the Eiffel Tower, the planet, galaxies, all the way until the projected known universe. All while playing extremely soothing and inspirational music in the background.

When teaching the students units of distance, this tool can be used to show them the relationship between all of the prefixes they will use, and their scaling in reference to each other. I will definitely be using this in the classroom, hopefully more than once!